Procedur review
After receiving the item editorial board makes a preliminary assessment of the text. After giving it a positive evaluation (compliance with themes profile magazine) article is sent to an external review. After receiving it, in the case of a positive assessment of the Editorial Board article for publication, and in the case of a negative assessment of the article is not published, and shall notify the author. In the case of a negative assessment refers editorial board review article with the author in order to allow the author to make changes.
Sent to the publication of the „People’s Thoughts’ articles reviews are by independent researchers in the field to which the content of the article should be.
List of reviwers
dr hab. Małgorzata Dajnowicz prof. UwB, prof. dr hab. Marek Jabłonowski, prof. dr hab. Romuald Kalinowski, dr hab. Ireneusz Kraś prof. UJK, dr hab. Jacek Macała, dr hab. Tadeusz Miłkowski, prof. dr hab. Stefan Pastuszka, prof. dr hab. Jan Pięta, dr doc. Rusłan Puzikow (Uniwersytet Państwowy w Tambowie im. G.D. Derżawina) dr hab. Wojciech Saletra prof. UJK, dr hab. Tomasz Skrzyński, dr hab. Stanisław Stępka prof. SSGW, dr hab. Michał Strzelecki prof. UMK, prof. dr hab. Adam Wielomski, dr hab. Jacek Zieliński prof. UPH